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​Farming Vegetables is a way of life for us.

L'Cajn Farm

We are pleased to offer our CSA programs.  We will have 2 seasons through out the year.

Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter


Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) programs enable many small-scale growers throughout the country to maintain economic viability, develop strong relationships with their customers, and provide an alternative marketing outlet to corporate food systems. CSA farmers commit to producing food, and community members pledge to buy it, throughout a growing season. Each party shares in the risks and rewards of farming. Members pay an up-front fee to supply the farmer with much-needed capital at the beginning of the season, guaranteeing an outlet for his or her products. In exchange, members get fresh, local produce picked just for them, and an intimate connection to the people growing their food. Besides forming a connection with the farm, they experience the joys of eating fresh, healthy food. Along with the produce, most CSA’s give members a newsletter containing recipes, photos, and stories from the field. For many customers, a CSA is a convenient way to get produce and encourages them to try new foods. Each week brings new food surprises, creating awareness about eating with the seasons.


We plant a large selection of produce so you can enjoy your favorites and try new ones.  Each season will run from 8 to 10 weeks long. 


We offer easy payments for the shares.  Just need to have it paid before the first harvest.  You can also work in exchange for a share.


We will also have drop off sites throughout the Metro area.




We offer good tasting vegetables that are harvested at the peak of ripeness.  Vegetables in stores sit in coolers for days or weeks, which ruin their flavor.  I am a fourth generation truck farmer, new to North Texas, but farmed in Southeast Louisiana for many  years.  I supplied both wholesalers and grocery stores in the greater New Orleans area. 


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